/ Press

A perfect 30-years-old SAT/Trevisan installation

Today, we have the opportunity to visit an 30-years-old SAT/Trevisan line for a potential revamping project.

We were really surprised and impressed by the efficiency and responsiveness of a plant installed by Eng. Ferdinando Trevisan in 1992.
We were proud to realize that the line is still able to guarantee to the customer, one of the main player in Italy in the aluminium extrusion market, a high quality coating – even after 30 years of hard work!

It is clear that SAT just not sell plants, simple carpentry as mere collections of mechanical components. The choice made by our company has always been to put our customers and their needs at the center of our business.
The use of durable materials, the setting-up of new technical solutions, the research of the highest resistance against harsh environments and the flow of time make SAT plants the smartest solution for an efficient productivity through the years.
